Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week 9 Reading Diary B: The Exile of the Pandavas

  • Dhritarashtra had taken on the five Pandavas brothers to raise after their own father had died, and deeply cares for them as if they were his own sons. So, of course he will want to bring them back when he is urged to by Bhishma and Vindra.  (Pages 41-43)
  • Of course the Pandavas prosper in their new land given to them by Dhritarashtra and make a desert into a beautiful land. They even have the helpful sage visit them and council Yudhishthira on how to run the kingdom (page 45).
  • Duryodhana is of course jealous of his cousins, which is no surprise. He has spent so much of his time hating them, that seeing them so happy in their land makes him angry. (Page 48) Although thankfully, Dhritarashtra doesn’t agree with his son’s woes (page 51), and neither does Vyasa who warns the brothers that something is afoul with his brother inviting them to their kingdom (page 52).
  • Of course, as Vyasa had warned them, the dice game goes badly…. Very badly. Yudhishthira is stupid enough to gamble away quite literally everything, including his brother and himself (pages 56-60). Dhritarashtra luckily gives them back all possessions, only for Yudhishthira to idiotically accept yet another game that lands them in exile (page 68). Why did no one try to stop in the first time?
  • I did really like Draupadi’s call to the gods which left her clothed as they tried to remove them (page 64).
  • Honestly, I would be just as angry as Draupadi is about the exile, and I would not let Yudhishthira qualm my anger, it is his fault that they are out there, after all (pages 76-79).
Image Information: Giving Draupadi Away in the Dice Game; Web Source: Wikimedia Commons.

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