Sunday, March 29, 2015

Google Timer Tech Tip

I think that a timer would be something that would really help me out with my time management skills. I am so happy that I now know that Google has a timer to use. I like to take study breaks by getting on Facebook or Tumblr, and I always tell myself I will resume studying at a certain time, but I never do. With a timer, I feel like it would be way easier for me to actually do that.

Normally for time management, I make a schedule for myself. I tell myself that I will start homework at a certain time and give myself an estimate of time that it will take me to work on it. I then plan all of my homework and give myself study breaks in the length of TV show times, so in my breaks I will watch an episode of a show to help me relax and take my mind off of school for a while.

Because I am such a busy person I actually feel like I am mostly good at time management, because without it I would never get anything done.

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