Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 11 Reading Diary A- The Life of Buddha: The Birth and Realizations of Siddhartha

For this week, I decided to go with reading stories from the Untextbook. I decided to read “Life of Buddha”.

This kind of reminds me of the Bible. A woman having a dream about a baby that will be holy and born to her.

What? Maya didn’t actually have to give birth, the gods just delivered Siddhartha to the arms of the maidens that were with her. Wouldn’t that be nice…

Poor Siddhartha lost his mother, who was supposed to know nothing but happiness and joy. At least her sister, Mahaprajapati will be there t take care of him. I did really enjoy the part where she tries to put jewelry on him, only to be stopped by a Goddess. My favorite line was “This child will have his thoughts; they are the gems of purer water”.

The King should not shield Siddhartha from the unpleasant aspects of the world. If he is to become a Buddha, should he not know what it happening around him? At least the gods were jealous of the man and taught him the things about the world that his father did not want him to know about.

Had the king not kept Siddhartha from the truths of the world, perhaps he could have coped with them throughout his life. Instead, seeing them because of the gods he has to deal with them in a way he would prefer not to. It is sad that it scares him so much.

Image Information: Siddhartha and the Truths; Web Source: Wikipedia.

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